Genre: Mystery, Comedy
directed by: Steven Brill
Duration: 1 H 42Minute
Despite his devotion to his hometown of Salem (and its Halloween celebration), Hubie Dubois is a figure of mockery for kids and adults alike. But this year, something is going bump in the night, and it's up to Hubie to save Halloween
countries: USA
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No thanks. Well this looks like garbage.
I love Adam Sandler films! I dont get why people hate them just because they aren't Oscar bait
Did he call his mummy to help himmm😂🤣😂🤣. I'm Single 😍😥. Adam warned us he'd make an intentionally bad movie if he didn't get nominated for uncut gems. Just finished this movie, don't know how you can say he gets a bad rep for his comedies. ALOT of ppl love him, Never in my life have I ever seen a low production movie from him. Only real ones grew up watching his movies. The girl doesnt seem to fit the character as the original nice work... Just from the trailer, a better title for the film would be Send Ethan Whyte. More memorable too. I want him back, please can this be true.
They should have named it 2220. The year the earth is really 200th anniversary. Call Ivan Drago 😂😂😂😂. What's the name of the background score. Just three years shy from AC Clarke's 2064: Odyssey Three. Is watch anything that has to do wit Adam Sandler. I need to watch this. What the hell was that crap? 🤣🤣🤣. Me laughing:0:05 did he just use a metal detector to find him.
I feel kind of sad for any movie that released a trailer on the same day a Dune's. It was alright. I liked... What was that song. Waterboy meets Halloween. W6w 50 5 1xs. DUNE KILLED ITS TRAILER. AWWWWW. How the hell is the dog from Mickey Mouse clubhouse famous now. I hope somebody dresses up as covid. This looooks goooood xxxxx.